But, before things can go any further, I wanted to bring up something interesting. You see, I'm never been one to read past contestant blogs (unlike TVGasm, which absolutely ROCKS) but I stumbled upon Laura Bennett's blog, since she was there and all. And, let me tell you... girl throws some serious SHAAAAAAADE! In her entry regarding the team challenge, she brought up what really went on in the workroom. First, she knew that Elena was, of course, a nervous wreck for being in the bottom but what we didn't see was that Buffi just flitted around the room and not do much work. Well, we gathered that already but it may have irritated her. Then she discussed Irina's dress, which was FAR WORSE than what we saw at home. Laura called the fabric Gunnar and Kooan used "tacky, shiny, and cheap" and the dress "tight" on Irina, who came up with the idea for the train to cover the flaws. All these combined is Heidi's recipe for "Winner!" So Irina scored some points for me there (but Laura scored LOTS of points for calling Gunnar "one of the most annoying contestants ever"). Laura saved the best whip lashing for Kenley. First, she said that editing made Kenley appear sweeter than ever (Lifetime sure loves its editing). As expected, she was anything but, being loud and obnoxious, making outrageous demands to hair, makeup, AND her designers, complaining about the food, and such. Laura bashed on her ridiculous outfit and called her out on trash-talking Heidi. She ended her piece saying that had Kenley been in her season, there would have been "a murder" on set. It's official: I love Laura Bennett.
On to the show!
We last left off with Old Broad Andrea's disappearance. The guys have no idea that she's missing and poor Christopher feels like he pushed her in front of a bus unintentionally because of frustration. He's well aware that there's going to be tension between them if they see her. Kooan isn't feeling so good (as in he's depressed) over in the other boy's apartment as Mean Girl Gunnar recaps how uncharacteristically quiet he was during the last challenge. Instead of having Heidi sear my eyes with another fashion abomination, the designers are shipped down to Madison Avenue for the next challenge, which is delivered in Michael Melonhead's new store! Fabio, dressed in the finest hobo-wear, is blown away by its beauty.
But, first things first, Uncle Tim has to address Old Broad Andrea's sudden outser. Unbeknownst to anyone, she left during the middle of the night and now no one has any idea where she is and cannot come into contact with her, trying to make this sound like a serious situation. Christopher has no words for this but Buffi says that Andrea probably wouldn't have gone further but she shouldn't have left like this. Agreed. No wait, Lifetime thought it was a good idea to pack EVERY designers' opinions about this sordid event, so Needlebutt Ven says that this is no way for a teacher to act, Elena compares the industry to a shark, and Melissa, who's also becoming a fast favorite, is well aware that any day isn't easy and this competition helps them realize that. Huh, so it's not entirely for our entertainment. I'll take it.
Now for the challenge. Kors lists that he designs for women who want to be chic, pulled together, relaxed and easy... so he designs for high end prostitutes? Basically, the challenge is to make a garment for a woman on the go from the designer's aesthetic, which the group is thrilled over. Kors also warns that textiles are important and that these garments shouldn't wrinkle easily. Buffi is happy because they get to show themselves as designers and not be run over by ridiculousness like candy and past contestants who deserve a good punch in the face. The designers go to various places in the store for a quiet place to sketch. Mean Girl Gunnar decides now is the time to stir some shit and asks about Andrea. Melissa did see her get up at some point in the night but go back to bed. So she did too, which is why she didn't think she would be, you know, leaving. Fabio thought she just slept in and everyone left her be while Gunnar calls it taking the cowards way out. Then Mean Girl Gunnar calls the kettle black by saying Old Broad Andrea acted pretty immature and I wished a wrecking ball came crashing through his interview. Elsewhere, Tim finds some of the guys designing in one of the areas in the store and advises them to get into their client's head (off topic: I keep screwing up client by typing "clinet" which makes me think I typed "clarinet". So don't mind if I think the designers are designing for woodwind masters about to play a sold out show at Carnegie Hall). Sonjia's girl works at an ad agency, Dmit-zzzzz is making something out of jersey, Fabio's going black and white, and Melissa notices that the store has tons of vibrant colors. But, luckily, she remembers they're working from their aesthetic so she's sticking to her black hues despite what Kors' sells there. On the other side of the shop, Gunnar is going to make some hideous dress while Buffi plans to design for the party girl who's a people person. Clever!
Mood time is just as frantic as ever, with Fabio commenting on its huge size (although, I've never set foot in any fabric store and, judging from Diane von Furstenberg's (bows) fabric room, they look pretty small). And where's Swatch? Christopher's girl works in Louboutin's and is sophisticated but Buffi wants to avoid using pink, despite that she keeps eying it anyway. Dmit-zzzzz can't find the fabrics he wants and Fabio notices Kooan's looking more distant than ever, mostly because Kooan has a lot on his mind. Sonjia darts around the store looking for her fabrics but she can't make clear decisions because there's seriously no time to think.
Feeling partly responsible for Old Broad Andrea's outser, Christopher wants to know what exactly happened. Melissa, the sole witness, retells her story and Christopher really feels horrible while Buffi thinks she checked out. Before they get into a deep argument about it, Kooan interrupts to make a commercial interrupted announcement. Well, after three days of thinking, he wants to bounce out too. The group thinks he's joking because, duh. Buffi knows how upset he's been lately but is shocked that he wants to leave. Christopher is in disbelief and Buffi says that everyone is "dropping like flies". Christopher tries to convince him to stay and Elena seriously believed he was joking but he's made up his mind about it. Mean Girl Gunnar smirks that he's sad about this (bullshit) and now Nathan's crying because
After shipping his ass home to create trainwrecks, the gingham shirt-clad Uncle Tim (seriously, no!) returns but is a little hesitant to make any other announcements. Since two people bounced from the competition, the producers felt it was necessary to bring back that asshole Raul. Buffi, with the adios edit, is thrilled but Needlebutt Ven is not a happy camper because he's tired of Raul's complaining. Well, I'm tired of your ego but we've all got to live. Raul is ecstatic he can actually show himself as a designer but I don't care. Alicia hasn't said much this episode (or ANY episode) so she sums up his elimination by the judges seeing that she's a cleaner designer than he is. AH I gotcha. Raul believes he belongs her and his elimination is a mistake and he joins Gunnar on the wrecking ball death list. Luckily, Christopher is there to call him a "lucky ho" which made me giggle.
Mean Girl Gunnar needlessly recaps the challenge, so let's see if Uncle Tim will soothe my rage (duh, of course he does!). He goes to Dmit-zzzzz first, where he's making... basically the same things he's been dishing out since day one, but all in one seam. Fabio thinks the guy's on the radar. Sonjia is make a pretty dress with lots of twists that will eventually have sleeves while Fabio's print is all right with Tim. He's designing for a woman on the day off so Tim advises him to be careful, specifically about the jacket's proportions. Elena worries that he's not showing enough of himself in the design. Needlebutt Ven's beauty of the dress is the cut and that he's using cashmere. Oooooooh. Mean Girl Gunnar is told to be cognizant of not over-designing (which flies over his head of hot air). Sonjia really hates his design, scoring more points for her. Elena is worried that the judges will attack her silhouette again (then do something else?) while Buffi is confident with her design but Tim is not and wonders why design so much when the pink top is good as it is. Gunnar tries to express his opinion, which gave me a great opportunity to get something to drink. Uncle Tim makes his way over to Christopher, and the fun rapport they have together most of the time would make one think they have a thing for each other. Oo la la! Kidding. Anyway, he plans to do something a bit basic but Tim thinks it looks dressy and Sonjia thinks he has more to offer. Tim thinks Christopher is being a bit ambivalent since he was in the bottom last time and Christopher is worried about that. Nevertheless, Tim gives him a pat on the shoulder and moves on. As Nathan makes a burlap sack and Melissa is making comfort wear with lots of layers, let's move on to that graceless loser Raul, which will be a take off of a man's suit. Needlebutt Ven thinks Raul has no point of view but Fabio's bouncing around in the back was enough to distract me from Ven's ego. Raul is concerned over time but no one cares about that excuse anymore. Tim then leaves feeling excited over the outcome of this challenge.
Three hours left finds Buffi fighting a headache while sewing. But that's all we get post Tim because the models arrive. Once again, there's nothing interesting to note beyond Fabio excited that his girl has some ass so she can fill out his dress better. His dress is bordering on Cajan-streetwalker short and Alicia just isn't seeing his point of view. Sonjia, who is possibly one of the only ones who is observant, states that, in order to beat Dmit-zzzzz, she's going to use her dress' versatility. My girlfriend Melissa is panicking because she's making FOUR different pieces (a hoodie-cardigan, a t-shirt, a tank top, and leggings) and none of them are ready for her girl to try on. Well, shit girl, get going! Raul whines some more about time and the models leave to avoid running into Tyra Banks.
Besties Christopher and Buffi discuss her dress, which he thinks is beginning to look like resort-wear. Buffi thinks her dress is shoddy but she's sticking to getting it finished. Poor Melissa is also freaking out about time, mostly because she's got virtually nothing sewn. She's going to have to haul some ass to get it ready tomorrow. Yikes.
Runway day! Buffi talks about how much work she needs to do while she exercises. Multi-tasker! She's feeling a little insecure but hopes the judges will be able to see her aesthetic. In the guy's apartment, Fabio is wearing a turban today. Raul bitches to no end about being eliminated and Christopher wishes Andrea would've left and let the judges know so they wouldn't had eliminated him. I think he said that to try to get him to shut up. Needlebutt Ven whines some more about Raul talking as much as Jill-Cher from Dance Moms, with an expression (? He doesn't have any!) that's similar to this...
![]() |
Though I'll bet he'd love the dick in the box. That being his horny face. |
In the workroom, Melissa rushes to finish her work as Christopher spots Buffi still working on the hot pink top. He offers some of his fabric but a too-focused Buffi refuses saying it wouldn't be representing her design. I wish Christopher would calm down and focus on his work but I can tell he doesn't want her to get shit-canned. Buffi vents a bit about him and he overhears and pokes his head in the sewing room but she assures him she's not mad at him, she's just stressed. I mean, that would seem uncharacteristic of her. She says that she now feels stronger about her work and what she wants to say as a designer but I wish someone would say that Mean Girl Gunnar's hair is just hideous.
Tim arrives in purple gingham (AGH!) and Elena is wearing her hoochie-shorts again. Fabio is gushing over his jacket but Elena thinks his dress is too short. It isn't classy and might be considered among the worst of the bunch. Christopher notices Raul's face dropping when he realizes the pants he made for his girl are 4 inches smaller. Eek! Mean Girl Gunnar smirks about it but Nathan shows a pulse and laughs about the mistake. After some hair and makeup, Buffi admits she's unfamiliar with her fabrics (NOW?!) as her model stitches her pink top in the workroom. Raul's solution to the smaller pants is to sew panels onto it (ew) and Sonjia thinks he doesn't have what it takes. Indeed, blue haired woman. Melissa wants to finish so she abandons her idea to drape the top, Buffi is confident with her look, and Raul is so caught up he forgot about accessories so he grabs random crap from the wall and runs to the door.
Today, Heidi's trainwreck is leopard. She welcomes Raul back but addresses the outsers of Andrea and Kooan. Heidi uses the ole reality standby "Many others would die for this opportunity" but we all know this makes for great TV. She congratulates Needlebutt Ven, who looks doped out on some downer. The guest judges today are Hayden Panettiere (the cheerleader from Heroes) and designer Rachael Roy.
Sonjia's twisty dress is very chic and edgy and I think anyone could rock it. Alicia bores me to death because she only made a button down shirt and capris. I mean, really? Melissa made a grim reaper exercise outfit from Target but I would love to own any and all those pieces. And it does look comfortable. Buffi's doesn't look so bad but that's what I said about her candy dress (like an idiot). It also reminds me of something else too.
K-pop realness. |
Mean Girl Gunnar (SHIT), Needlebutt Ven, Awkward Nathan, Alicia, Melissa and Elena are safe. Gunnar says he's "shocked" at the top and bottom, but I'm betting that he's bitter that he's middling again. Melissa jokes that she doesn't want to lose ANOTHER roommate. And now for the judging.
Sonjia: Heidi loves the dress she made, especially how she manipulated the fabric. Kors liked that it wasn't just another little black (or grey) dress and it could go with anything. Nina likes how it's conservative yet sexy and Hayden loves the dress as well, providing no useful insight to the challenge. Rachel loves the subtle details and that Sonjia really thought about the design.
Christopher: His woman has a husband and a four year old and she has to get from work to dinner with the husband for a date night because that doesn't happen as much anymore. Heidi loves the ensemble and cannot believe he whipped that up with a $150 budget. Hayden wants to tackle the girl onstage for the jacket and starts fanning herself. Rachel thinks he nailed the day to night aspect with the styling. Nina likes that it looks comfy, polished, and glamorous. Kors says he nailed it.
Dmit-zzzzz: He's obviously not winning this but in the top. Kors says that it's the best MADE garment up there but it would look so much better in a brighter color. Heidi thinks it's a great dress but she's not even itching to want it. Hayden wished he went a step further, especially with the shoulders (she's very shoulder focused because she has some pretty broad shoulders). Nina calls it a simple design without "the bells and the whistles" but it's still pretty perfect. Rachael says that he has some great sewing skills but it's just "safe", but a beautiful and exquisite safe.
Fabio: His girl on the day off looks like the girl on the corner. Kors is taken aback by the piece, since it doesn't show any of Fabio's aesthetic. He says Fabio is dressed more like himself than the design. Fabio is dressed like a Turkish priest. Rachael wishes that what he was wearing could've been incorporated more into the outfit. Heidi thinks the blazer should've been longer and Nina can see the comfort but not the glamor. In short, when the judges more on YOUR outfit than the model's, you're in trouble.
Buffi: She loves the print and the color, which represents her as a designer. Hayden of the Shoulders Clan wishes she did something inventive with the shoulders but she does love the color. Heidi thinks it looks inexpensive. Rachael goes on a tangent about the importance of belts and Kors says it looks like a hairdresser's smock. It's a little out there and, when shown the hem of the dressed, it's pretty nutty. Buffi tries to save herself by saying she didn't mean to cover that up but Nina calls that even MORE tragic. Buffi looks like she's accepting her fate.
Raul: Yikes. Chipper Hayden now looks very depressed. Kors hated it, especially the Vampyra pants, and the hideous jacket was on death watch. Oye that's one fugly t-shirt. Hayden points out the whack job crotch and says she would never wear such a thing. Pants-lover Nina hates the pants and the jacket is too long. Rachael says he over-accessorized and he was too ambitious.
Deliberations fly by, with the only thing to note that it's only a race between Christopher and Sonjia this time and maybe bringing Raul back was a bad idea.
Winner: Sonjia! As an added bonus, Hayden is going to wear her dress at a red carpet event in the future.
Bottom 2: Fabio and Buffi (how did Raul escape THAT one?)
Eliminated: Buffi :(
I'm bummed as Buffi enters the lounge weeping. She learned to be herself and that this was an emotional experience. She announces that it may have been tacky but it's what made her unique. Aww... then she makes everyone laugh by hiding behind the couch. Tim enters wondering if she bailed already (of course not), and he calls her the hostess of Season 10. Lol! He's also very proud of her for showing HER work. You go, Buffi.
Next time: Nina announces the challenge, which is to make womenswear in two teams. Crap. The same old crap happens: Raul hates the challenge, Mean Girl Gunnar whines that he doesn't want to work with these people, Elena goes batshit insane, and Heidi hates a few things.
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