Abby reverts back to Jabba the Lee for this episode as she demands that no one comes in late anymore and that no one leaves early. She recaps Texas (blah blah blah they did great things) and announces the next competition will be in their very own backyard: Hollywood Vibe, Pittsburgh. And then JTL utters some nonsense over how everyone will be watching them fall or something. The group number this week is called "Private Eyes" and the girls will have guns. Saiwha? Christi is terrified at the prospect of sweet little Chloe armed with a CZ 75. Or a Luger Pistol. Maybe even a M14 sniper rifle. So I'm a bit of a gun enthusiast. Shut up.
Pyramid time begins with Mackenzie back at the bottom. It was a nice ride, kid. Mack doesn't seem too bummed about it. Nia follows, as usual, with her costume being pretty and her doing pretty swell. Kendall's next due to Jill-Cher's costume meltdown. Jill-Cher refuses to believe that, yes, HER actions are affecting KENDALL'S place at the studio. And next is OMG IT'S MADDIE. We see clips of the UBER UNFORTUNATE FALL (now, I watched the full clip on Youtube. For starters, it happened at the end of the piece, it didn't look AS bad and she still finished the piece. Second, she landed on her hip/thigh area so, while it might pack a whollop, she had nothing to worry over than a bruise. So, yeah, she made a big deal over nothing). Melissa the Snatch believes Maddie shouldn't be on the bottom. Just like how I should be a blonde. JTL's note for Maddie is to NEVER CHANGE YOUR MIND MID-AIR. For the middle, Chloe is there for being good but not good enough and Brooke for forgetting the end of her routine. Uh, who cares? And, gasp! Paige is on top! For obvious reasons. Kelly pretty much as a celebration ready at home since that's all she ever does at her home.
Chloe and Maddie are getting solos, and they're joined by Paige for the UNDEFEATED TRIO THAT IS SACRED GROUND. If you guessed Jill-Cher's pissed, you are so right. Drink! "Goose for the gander," says Christi. The group dance briefing is, well, brief. Think of it as Charlie's Angels with an edge. And, since they didn't win last time at Hollywood Vibe, they've got to up the ante. The moms don't want the girls to use guns and, frankly, I agree. It's bad enough teens are getting pregnant and we glorify it, let's not enforce weaponry with minors. Somewhere, Drew Barrymore is screaming in agony. Anyway, Jill-Cher attacks Holly for having a job while Christi and the others point out that Kendall might be getting a small part, probably to shut her up in both the Bitching room and for all dance eternity. It works for a few seconds before Jill-Cher engages in another pissing match with everyone.
The next day, Jill-Cher has a new gift for Abby, who's thinking, "Dear sweet Jesus, what is she doing NOW?" She tells Jill-Cher that, yes, everyone is really going to hate you. What in God's name is she thinking? A BENCH? CLEARLY not her idea. Oh, and not only is it right by the entrance but it's emblazoned with "Love Jill and Kendall". Well, Holly has seen it all now. Oh good gravy... Christi thought Melissa was bad but Jill-Cher is CRAZY and that Melissa has some competition. Another pissing match erupts between the moms, and I'm just reminded of the scene from Juno where Leah tells her "How did you generate enough pee for three pregnancy tests?" I wonder how many pregnancy tests these women could use. Christi notes that she never would buy her way through life and Chloe doesn't need special treatment, she'll go the traditional route and WORK HARD. She calls Jill-Cher a conniving bitch while she calls Christi immature. It's a wonder why these women don't come to blows.
At the three day mark, Abby's still making changes to the group and everyone's nervous, until one of them quips "Is that her sexy look?" which made me throw up. Still, lots of points for Christi and Kelly. Nia and Kendall screw up a turn sequence so JTL makes them do push ups, and I think Nia is ready for the Marines. Jill-Cher rushes down to confront JTL about this but she basically shuts her up by saying no more nice mommy. I'm worried about Kendall/Daria now. The trio rehearses next, but Abby informs us that this piece was choreographed over two months ago and, even though they're spending every waking second dancing in god knows where, they should AT LEAST remember the number. Well, Paige gets yelled at immediately because JTL hoped that getting the top spot would give her self esteem. She screams that she's had it with Paige but Kelly rightfully says that JTL's a chicken-shit. She then goes down to confront the she-beast and try to calm Paige down, who's freaking out because she doesn't want to lose this spot once again. As Kelly and Christi calm her down, Kendall quietly observes all of this from the door. Yes, Kendall, THIS is how moms act, not through bribes but with love.
The drama continues when Paige confesses that she's having a meltdown because she doesn't want to lose this spot again. She also says that they're gonna get it when they screw up. Since Jabba the Lee is tired of yelling at Paige, she turns to her next target: Chloe. She begins crying as JTL screams at her, and JTL interviews that she's not trying to be politically correct, she's just angry. WTF? She doesn't understand what the emotions are all about. Uh, Braindead, they're KIDS. They don't have the emotional stamina of adults yet and they never will until they're about fourteen. And I'm pretty sure screaming like a banshee certainly isn't going to make them better. Mattress Melissa believes this is just about the trio, meaning she's baked. In the dressing room, both Jabba and Christi pretty much recite the Mama Rose "I MADE YOU!" monologue, but, naturally, Jabba goes the negative route saying she "made" Chloe a dancer while Christi made Chloe as in a daughter. Again, the assumption about JTL placing value on none of the kids but Maddie is made, which is a little hard to believe considering she's at the bottom this week. Not much happens other than JTL calling Kelly white trash as the moms leave.
Man, was that some shitshow.
The next day, after a good night's rest, Christi's hoping things will be a bit better today. Today, it's a group rehearsal, and Kelly's worried. Maddie tells us she knows the difference between a real gun and a fake gun and that she would never touch a real gun (dear GOD let's hope not, ya idiot). As a prop, it's totally okay. Reminds me of the few shows I've done where a gunshot was necessary and we had a gun as a prop. It was a REAL gun with the barrel plugged so it could only shoot blanks and one of the big rules was that NO ONE but the professor (who owned the gun) and the actor/crewperson handling the gun were allowed to touch it. That prop scared the living shit out of me. Chloe's not too far behind Maddie in the "Innocence" arena when she confesses that, with the guns and JTL saying they have to "Blow the competition away", she thinks JTL means it literally and the girls will emulate Marciano's 12 sisters and shoot the entire audience. Or, at least, be disqualified for having guns to begin with. Holly's still concerned by the guns and, leading the Mom tribe, goes to confront JTL about it. JTL reminds them that she's done pieces with kids with guns before and they've won so those guns are staying. The episode's barely halfway done and I already want a CZ 75. Or a FN Minimi.
Solo rehearsals resume with Chloe doing a lyrical number called "Please". JTL thinks Chloe second guesses herself a lot (mostly because she doesn't want to be yelled at again. Ever think of that, Fatty Patty?) while Christi finds there is a lot of acting potential in this piece. Maddie's also doing a contemporary solo called "Every Little Step" which is described as mature, elegant and exciting and Melissa thinks it's wonderful and blah blah blah. No offense but Maddie's starting to be a snooze. JTL tells us she put Maddie on the bottom because she needs to work harder and she needs to step it up.
Trio time. The tables have turned and now Kendall's running the music. She doesn't look so bummed about it but Jill-Cher is livid. In the Observe-bitching Mezzanine, the moms bring up Jill-Cher's shoe throwing tantrum and Christi tells us if Chloe ever acted in such a manner (again, let's hope that NEVER HAPPENS), JTL would've killed her. Jill-Cher then deduces that she has to get Kendall out of there since she apparently isn't doing anything but she's worried about talking to the Woman in Black now. She goes in anyway to retrieve Kendall. It's here where we find out why Paige was running music the last time: Kendall's a swing. You know, in case any of the girls mysteriously break a leg or something, she can swing in as a replacement. I get it. Anyway, the two mature adults get into a pissing match about Kendall WHILE SHE'S IN THE ROOM. Christi notes that Jill-Cher's no longer using her 900 number when talking to JTL now. Oye...
It's time for the competition and, since it's in Pittsburgh, there's no bus ride but JTL believes everyone is out to get them. She's particularly worried for Chloe since she's in the intermediate level. With the typical berating going on, Christi's hoping the girls will be able to pull of their number.
Chloe dances first and her and her abs are phenomenal. She's a dancing dream and a wonderful actress. JTL's impressed with her emotional execution. Maddie's next and she recaps the whole Texas tragedy
The UNDEFEATED TRIO OF SACRED GROUND competes next and Paige is nervous about them since it's the same judges from last time. It doesn't look pretty since Chloe's spacing is off, Paige's spacing is off and Maddie's timing is too fast. JTL is too shamed to look at it and buries her face in her hands.
Awards time! Chloe gets second overall and Maddie gets first overall. Yawn. The trio places second, and JTL reminds us that second place is first loser and all that crap. As another fight erupts between Kelly and JTL, Holly uses this thing called intelligence to intervene. JTL confessionalizes that she doesn't sugarcoat anything (probably because she devoured all the sugar). JTL's all OWN YOUR DAMN MISTAKEs and Chloe's unfortunate solo bomb from Lake Tahoe last season is brought up (I think) and Christi says JTL's a Negative Nelly. Elsewhere, Jill-Cher's chatting with some people from one of her old studios. Christi isn't surprised and notes that Jill-Cher's always looking for where the grass is greener. The other moms bring up studio hopping suspicions and bitch some more. Jill-Cher has had it, again, and storms out, again. Without throwing shoes this time.
It's time for the group number and JTL's flipping out about hair clips and using the gun props as a pointing mechanism and I'm immediately panic over the sight of JTL WITH A GUN. Holly comments that JTL's having waaaaaaaaaay too much fun with the guns. Then, at long last, the Goldmember Bond Girl number goes on. It's a pretty entertaining number but Maddie has no idea how to shoot a gun, let alone fake it. Holly thought the piece was fantastic and admits the guns weren't even all that bad. For the awards, the group number wins first place in the Jazz catagory... which is odd since the description the editors gave the description as a "Contemporary" number. Odd. Then it's time for the bigger Overall award. Chloe humorously notes, "We've got guns. What else could go wrong?!" They end up not winning. Whomp whomp.
In the dressing room, Holly owns up to the guns and eats some crow. Jill-Cher proceeds to suck up but the look on Abby's face reads, "You're shittin' me, right?" when she goes on about Kendall's spot on the team and how she never gets anything (you mean BESIDES EVERYTHING she's gotten from day one?!). JTL screams that she teaches employable dancers, not competition kids (okay, then why are we going to three thousand competitions?). More Jill-Cher whining but JTL silences her with the threat that she's gonna have some special planned for her.
Next time: Kendall's back on probation. The next dance is centered around weddings as the girls dress up as pocket wives. More Candy Assles as Cathy says that while JTL has 6 kids (did someone leave?), they have 306 kids, like it's that fantastic. But Holly leaves with Nia due to something shady. And if Holly's leaving, then SOMEONE done screwed up...
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