We get to see a bit of what the designers do when they wake up in the morn, which includes Helen dressing as a nun and Kunt wearing a do-rag. Jeremy is thrilled to have won the last challenge and can't wait to start on the next one. Justin is happy Kunt stayed on but Kunt quickly throws any positive vibes as he whines about being called out on the runway for his shitty attitude. He compares Inga to, typically, Judas from the Bible. Really? Then who the fuck are you? Because you CLEARLY ain't Jesus. Inga's reeling from the previous day and Kate thought it was rough to see them work like that. Inga calls Kunt, I believe, a toilet of craziness. At any rate, she has to step up her game.
Runway finds Heidi and Tim wearing... camping regalia? For once, Heidi looks pretty great in a jumpsuit while Tim wears a camouflage (yes) suit. Moesha the Interpreter is the only one who looks normal by wearing a sleek black dress. Jeremy takes a guess that they're going to be designing for the army. Heidi says that the group has been cooped up for too long so they're gonna get out. Sponsored by Resource water, the designers are going camping! The group is all a twitter, especially Tiny Dom and Justin...
...and then we get to Kunt who, for some reason, says that because he's from the South, there's some preconceived notion that he's a country boy. There are a LOT of stereotypes I can think of and I don't think that's one of them. Basically, he is NOT excited to go on this trip because he's a freaking sissy.
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Get over yourself, Kunt. |
They arrive to the camping site and Kate couldn't be more thrilled to be there. Tim is there to greet them with Seona Skwara, Head of Activation at Resource and shill person for the episode who we'll never see again. She's only there to rattle off Resource's water facts and all that crap. For the challenge, they will make a garment that is INSPIRED by the trip and the environment, not one that WORKS for the environment. It should be high end and editorial. Throughout the day, they will be doing standard camping activities and Tiny Dom is even more excited now. After finding their assigned sleeping bags and supplies, Karen tells us how she pretty much grew up in this kind of environment. Kunt continues to be a whiny pussy bitch and complains about being outdoors, how he hates it, and how
Around the campfire later that evening, Justin teaches the others some sign language and is thrilled that this is helping him connect with the others better. Later, everyone else gets to sketching. Kunt admits that he was Miss Piss at first about the camping trip but now he considers it a cleansing. We'll see how long this lasts. As Jeremy is sketching, he then gets inspired to write a letter to his loving husband of 15 years, which will be the basis of the design. I start to worry because the last time he made a dedication to a family member, it was called "Madame". Inga tells us that she feels refueled and focused after the day is through. We see some more instances where glamping is not necessarily "roughing it" (I'll admit, when I went camping, ONCE, we all stayed in cabins) as the designers are served fine foods on silver platters and water in wine glasses. Justin asks the crew what their favorite sound is (someone says "Rain") and then it's time for smores! And soon, it's lights out for everyone.
It's a new day and Kate does not want to leave the grounds but she's excited to make her garment after being inspired by this trip. At Mood, Tiny Dom aims for some prints while Kunt grabs some tacky wool fabric. Karen says her inspiration came from the tents (huh?) so she's going to make a flowy gown. Justin asks Tim if he should consider making his own lace in an attempt to take a risk and Tim tells him go for it. Bradon, as always, has no idea what to do so he grabs chiffon and hopes for the best. Time's up and we say goodbye to Mood. And Swatch. I love Swatch.
Back at Parsons, Tiny Dom tells us that she's going to make a design based on the water. Tim is surprised to enter a peaceful atmosphere (especially after last time) and tells them they have until midnight to make their garments. As Karen hammers some leather, Kunt makes a weak titted remark about Inga but she brushes him off as she's DONE with him. Bradon is sewing away creating a weird pattern he's invented call "thread painting". Unfortunately, he's only done it on bags and it's VERY time consuming. Meanwhile, Jeremy the Hard to Please is painting his letter onto his fabric. Alexander feels that Jeremy is now his biggest competition because the judges are suckers for that kind of romantic crap. Kunt thinks it will be a great idea to drape green wool to show the movement of the water (I don't get it either) but Justin's working away making this really neat looking lace out of hot glue to emulate the river. As Prissy Punk Helen appears to be going nowhere, and Alexander makes a form fitting gown, Inga reveals she's going to be making... a denim coat and long johns. WHA? She sticks to her guns as now is NOT the time to start second guessing.
The Tim Criticisms hour is here so we start with Karen today. She tells him of her inspiration but he wants her to take it further. Kate thinks it's way too simple. Karen also tells him that she plans to dye the dress as an ombre effect. For Justin, the glue lace blows Tim away but he also advises Justin to push it. Alexander's inspiration is the trees at midnight and the dress reflects one of those trees. He plans to use leather as a train but Tim worries that it will make the dress very bottom heavy. Bradon is stressing out because, uh, he has no dress. His inspiration is moss (Oh, that explains the thread painting!) but Tim drops the bomb that the technique is distracting and looks like a kid's drawing. Yikes. Kunt compares it to a Disney Princess dress. Shut up. Tim thinks it's quirky, and not in the good way. He leaves Bradon to complete the dress. Inga is next and tells Tim how she enjoyed the trip. Basically, she plans to reinvent the "Denim Jacket", which Tim adores, but has serious doubts about the drop crotch pantaloons. Kunt admits that he was all Princess Grace about the trip at first but then grew to accept his fate. Helen calls his pile of fug "awful". Jeremy tells Tim about his love letter and that he plans to use primaries but Tim is against the latter idea as they're a "cheap shot". Finally, Helen's inspiration is that of a moth dying in the kitchen sink. Yep, I don't get it either.
As the models arrive for fittings, Jeremy has no idea what on Earth Kate is going to create. Alexander is wetting his panties because his fitting is going so well and Inga's model, Ya, tells her that long johns are considered underwear in her culture. I think she just gave her a complisult. Prissy Punk Helen doesn't think the pants are very flattering. Bradon is worried because he has nothing for Nastasia to try on besides the collar.
Later on, Helen continues to work on her funky dress. Bradon finds the inspiration hilarious. We haven't heard much from Miranda today so she shows us how she's gluing origami-like petals to the bottom of her dress to make it tree-like. Unfortunately, Kunt reveals that he has a soft spot for Justin and I PRAY Justin knows better than that. As Helen announces that her garment is looking like a vagina, Alexander tells us of his frustration with the "Witches of Eastwick": Karen, Tiny Dom, and Helen, as they are all very loud and laugh far too much. Of course, this just segues into Karen asking Inga how her critique went, which was just a simple good. As Karen asks about her outfit, Inga admits that she doesn't have that many friends here but that's okay because she's in it to win it. In the last few minutes of the day, Karen worries over how her dye job will go and Inga has some fitting issues with her jacket. Bradon is in serious trouble has all he's done is drape, and drape, and drape and he has no idea how he's going to finish it tomorrow.
On Runway Day, Kunt wants to buy Jeremy's immunity (ugh...). Alexander has a new way to incorporate the leather train so it will appear more grounded but Jeremy wonders why there's an oil spill on the dress. Inga sees poor Bradon struggling and Tiny Dom can tell he's frantic. When the models arrive, Tiny Dom says that Kate's dress is very Kate but Jeremy, who is extremely hard to please, thinks it looks like a pregnant fairy in a harness. Justin is struggling because the glue lace isn't holding up very well and Helen doesn't think the judges are going to love his garment. Inga wants to prove that she's good enough to win this challenge but Kunt has to be Miss Piss again and says her design is "awful" and that she should go home. Listen, bitch, just because you've been sucking, don't take it out on others. You're making Pheces O'Ptosis look like an angel. Karen wonders how she's going to finish the bottom but is confident that her girl will win. Poor Justin's dress is not holding up well and, in the 10 minute crunch, Miranda is concerned over Kunt's fugly top. In an odd display of sportsmanship ('memba that?), Alexander rushes over to help fellow redhead Bradon get all the static out of his dress. It gets even funnier as Tim enters just as Inga was about to leave to finish sewing her jacket but he stops her dead in her tracks as it's time to go down.
Heidi's dress today is a leftover from Christina Aguilera's Back to Basics phase. It's here where we find out that the designers' suggested budget was around $300. The guest judge today is Girls actress Allison Williams, who looks very fashion forward and pretty. On to the runway.
Prissy Punk Helen's is very nice but her model's hair ended up making it too literal. Bradon's dress is flowy but, unfortunately, it looks arts and crafts-like. Miranda, for once in her life, did NOT make a knee length pencil skirt so it made seeing her dress a lot more bearable. Plus, the petals made it really cool. Kunt's is predictably trashy and simple, and, again, makes the girl look chunky. Inga's looks so frickin' edgy and awesome. I want that coat. Alexander's gown is gorgeous with very nice details hidden within the dark blue but the train kills the mood a little. While Justin's dress is kind of nice, the glue lace effect doesn't work as well. Tiny Dom's garment is elegant with an amazing collar. Karen's day glo maxi dress looks like something someone could get at Old Navy. Kate's poofy dress, though it makes the girl look pregnant, is very sweet. And Jeremy's gown is fantastic and the words look divine.
Tiny Dom, Bradon, Kate, Prissy Punk Helen, and Miranda the Riveter are all safe so they head back to the holding room. Bradon is relieved that he's safe and astutely notes that they've made it halfway through the competition.
Jeremy: After telling the judges the words are a love letter, Zac calls the gown "sonnet chic". Nina feels that it's personal and authentic and the buttons he used are a nice touch. Allison calls it breathtaking and Heidi thinks it's stunning, feminine, and lovely.
Alexander: The details in the dress that I thought were leather? Well, they're actually hand painted! Heidi thinks the fit is great but doesn't like the leather train all that much. Allison, however, does like the train, as well as the collar and sleeves. Zac also loves the fit but doesn't like the obvious seam. Heidi adds that the painting elevates the dress a bit. Nina finds it dramatic, impeccably made, and beautiful.
Inga: Heidi says her risk to work with denim greatly paid off. Even the white eyeliner she put on her model is great. Nina loves how she chose denim for a high fashion design. And the jacket's back looks fantastic. As we get a picture of Kunt pouting (get over yourself), Heidi also says that it's very editorial. Allison couldn't tell it wasn't denim at first and she appreciates the surprise factor. Zac has a thing about drop crotch "poopy pants" pants (he hates them) but this won him over.
Karen: Heidi thinks it looks trashy and like a big ole muumuu. Nina isn't sure if she's heading to the beach (because it's a maxi dress) or the rodeo (because of the straps and the cowboy boots the model is wearing). Zac gets the sunset colors but it just turned out to be like a runny egg. Allison wished she could have made the model look more feminine.
Kunt: Nina spells it out for him: B-O-R-I-N-G. She is NOT thrilled with the look. The structuring is too heavy and the way he had her hair styled made her look like she came from the 80's in the bad way. As Kunt bullshits about it being his interpretation of Mother Nature, Zac simply calls it "Frog Queen". Allison thinks the dress would be better off if the structuring was in a different place than the breasts. Heidi knocks him for picking the wool fabrics so Kunt, for no reason, tries to defend the color choices but Heidi isn't having it.
Justin: Poor Sweet Justin. Heidi isn't a fan of the garment. Justin admits that he really wanted to push himself for this challenge. Heidi thinks it's a borderline costume. Zac admires his experimentation with the glue but it looks frothy. Nina provides the greatest critique ever by saying the glue at the crotch makes the girl look like she has a "foaming vagina". She wishes the glue idea didn't exist. Allison thinks the execution was a bit off the mark and while Heidi isn't a fan with the skirt he made, Nina likes it because it contrasts itself. Zac also likes the color choices for the chiffon skirt.
In the lounge, Karen tries to get some sympathy because she's mad that she put so much work into that maxi dress but she's trumped by Justin because he got ripped a new one despite all his work. He is happy with the result, though. For closer looks, nothing too special occurs so let's get to the winner.
Winner: Inga! SQUEE!!! Kunt gives puss face again. She gets immunity. Inga says that this win is very uplifting and now she remembers why she came here in the first place.
Jeremy, Alexander and, sadly, Kunt are all swept to safety.
Bottom 2: Karen and Justin
Out: Justin.
Aw, that's pretty upsetting. It's made worse when Karen breaks the news to the room and everyone is devastated. On the runway, Justin gives a heartfelt speech saying it's been an honor to be a deaf person competing on the show. I'm getting sad because we won't get to see Moesha anymore. In interview, he says he isn't ready to go. He walks into the room and it is depressingly silent. Like, you could hear a pin drop. After a huge group hug, he tells everyone that they were quite an inspiration for him. That is, until Tim walks in on this and, trying not to sob, tells him that he's using the save for him. Tim says that Justin is one of the most sweetest people he has ever seen on Project Runway and that his talent shouldn't be wasted. That's why he was saved. Moesha, however, looks like she just lost her vacation. Now, after being saved, Justin has to work his bottom off to stay here.
Next time: Marie Claire closet visit, Bradon's in trouble (again), a debacle about plaid pants, Frumpy Dumpy and bad bridesmaid dresses.
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