At the Refinery Hotel, the boys (well, Justin, Kunt, and Jeremy) discuss Karen's ouster, which is just Kunt and Jeremy talking shit. Kunt bitches about being in the bottom and plans to keep his guard up. On the runway, Heidi enters wearing a cheetah print top that is just.. no. Just no. Moesha, however, looks nice and classy. Heidi tells the group that, since they're working soooo well, she's giving them the morning off via a Southern style brunch. Bradon, Kate, and the world are immediately skeptical of this.
The group is whisked away to Juliette, a restaurant that looks rustic and fancy. They even get their own table with all sorts of foods. While Tiny Dom waits for the poor soul to burst through with a bolt of fabric to say, "AND design!" (which, at this point, would be considered normal), she and the rest of the group just dine and dish. Helen is prompted to talk about her meeting with New Balance and Jeremy comments on her winning THREE challenges already and shit talks her like it's his job. Because that's all he's ever done in confessionals. As Kate hopes that they get to design for a garden party, Tim arrives and Inga knows that the jig is up. The challenge this week: Design for the modern Southern woman, who is the target audience for Belk. Kunt, who remind us that he's from the South every 34 seconds in this episode, believes that, because he's from the South, he has this in the bag. So, let's move on to someone we don't know much about, who is Tiny Dom! Her family hails from New Orleans. Helen, from Union City NJ, tells us the obvious: She doesn't design for the Southern woman (shit, no!) so she may be in trouble. That is unless she plans to go trailer trash for win #4. Tim stresses that the design can be either a day or evening look and the suggested budget is around $200-250. And, of course, only one day for the challenge (natch).
The designers sketch throughout the restaurant to get inspired (by what? Dead roaches?) Kunt, the southern belle, aims to make a maxi dress. Alexander theQueen is nervous because he ordinarily designs for the modern 80's woman so his plan is to make a jacket and pant but he already isn't feeling it. Tiny Dom, whose family is from New Orleans, is going blue with a print, as prints are her strong suit. Bradon aims for a day dress with buttons and Jeremy plans to make a jacket without it going mother-of-the-bride. On the way to Mood, everyone teases Kunt by asking him for some tips about how southern gals dress. He feels that, since he's the only one here who still lives in the south, and Belk caters to the southern girl, he should be win this challenge as he has yet to win something. There was that quiz from the shoes challenge. Be proud of your mundane fashion history!
At Mood, Tiny Dom goes for the silks since they're easy to drape and Kate goes for a print with warm chiffon. As Bradon heads for the plaids, he struggles trying to find one he likes while Kunt gets pissy since
I'm becoming convinced that Kate's sole purpose on this show is to recap all the challenges. Alexander theQueen says that he's only gone to the south at least twice. I'm sure he's gone south for other reasons but that's just my dirty, smutty mind speaking. As he works with silk charmuse, Prissy Punk Helen aims to make a refined dress with bold colors. Then, Tim enters with John Thomas, VP for Belk. John tells the designers that this will be yet another challenge where the winning look will be SOLD! The designers wet their pants and Kunt and Helen tells us how they're hungry for the win now.
Inga's been kind of under the radar so she tells us that this isn't really her kind of challenge as she doesn't really do colorful, femme ladies. With 8 hours to go, we go to the saving grace friendship that is Bradon and Alexander theQueen. If Bradon wasn't taken by Josh, I'm so certain these two would be banging. Anyway, Bradon asks what Alexander is making. He responds, "A straightjacket". Bradon requests he make two. Elsewhere, Kunt says someone's pants should be paired with some cowboy boots (I believe that's Western, not so much Southern) and shit talks some more. Tiny Dom, being safe for the past century, decides that she should ditch the print and go with color. And Alexander asks Kunt about Southern hair and how he initially thought about Steel Magnolias.
Tim arrives to make his daily rounds. Alexander is making a day dress with his plaid and thinks she goes to the forest (I don't get it either but he's lucky he's adorable) and while Tim loves the plaid Bradon of the Mullet Dresses has chosen, he can tell Bradon's concerned, mostly due to the plaid debacle from the SHOES challenge is back to haunt him. Tim tells him to believe in himself. We move on to Justin, who we haven't heard from AT ALL until now. Tim points out that the color combination of coral and black ends up making it look a bit too Halloween and it cheapens the outfit, which is a kiss of death. We don't hear much about Kate except that Bradon thinks her print isn't working. And now we go to Kunt and his purple people eater. Kate believes that Kunt is a competitor because he's a modern Southern man, so Tim just tells him to carry on. Tim tells Jeremy that he should be innovative, fresh, and avoid going matchy-matchy. Helen explains that her yellow dress is for a dinner party but Alexander says that the 60's threw up in the worst way possible. As for Tiny Dom, Tim worries that it's underdesigned. Inga gets the critique that her is looking too bohemian for the challenge, which throws her for a loop. Justin believes that she's the weakest this time, which is extremely unusual, even for her. Tiny Dom is worried that she might not even have a look. Tim gives Inga the harsh truth: It's hideous. Inga starts to panic about going home, so Tim, instead, comments that he liked the first look much better. Inga jokingly bemoans that she wished Southerners could wear black more often. In the confessional, she says that she's going to follow his advice and go back to the first choice. Feeling bad for emotionally eviscerating her, Tim asks if she wants a hug. In the most serious tone ever, and without missing a beat, Inga says that she needs prayers AND immunity.
Model time! Inga is going nuts and has Nastasia this week. I believe Nastasia is just that unlucky model. As Jeremy wastes time on the jacket, Tiny Dom likes Justin's direction and how he's thinking outside of the box. Elsewhere, after the models leave, Kunt goes to skype with his momma, Sonya. She asks about if his "other side" has come out, meaning this has happened in real life. While he shirks off his answer of "yes", we get a beautiful montage of him getting bitchy, bitchier, and cuntiest. She hopes he has managed to chill out, going into the bathroom to calm down and such. After the session, Kunt says that he now feels focused to finish the garment.
Going to someone pleasant, Bradon feels his dress is just safe but Kunt believes no one in the South would even wear that dress. Oh brother. He also says that it would be the outfit Harriet Tubman would have worn after getting her freedom. That made as much sense as an Abby Lee routine about Anne Frank. Alexander comments on how far behind Jeremy, Justin, himself... well, everyone is and that he's worried.
Runway day finds Kunt confident in his purple thingy but aware enough to notice that they'll never know what could go down on the runway. Kate is thrilled with her cutesy dress and Tiny Dom (who looks great with her hair slicked back) is racing the clock to finish her dress. With 30 minutes to go, Inga aims to make her garment look more Belk-like through the accessories and a bunch of other dress talk ensues, including Kate thinking Kunt's dress is too loose. Tiny Dom is STILL sewing but finishes the very second Tim comes to retrieve her. She hopes the judges will see a different side of her this time.
For the runway today, Heidi threw on a bedsheet, tied it in a knot, and threw on some red lipstick.
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Guess curtains are out of fashion. |
Kunt is up first and holy crap is it booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooring. Seriously, how is THAT southern? Prissy Punk Helen's swinging 60's dress makes the girl look chunky due to the overlay. Justin's simple and chic and the model plays the role very well. Alexander theQueen's plaid dress is pretty edgy, but I wish it could've been more cinched up in the back. Inga's dress isn't too shabby but a teense too commercial. Bradon's mullet dress is a stunner and actually looks southern. Kunt, however, doesn't think a modern southern woman would wear plaid. Then what WOULD she wear? A big poofy gown with a parasol? Tiny Dom's dress does flow well but it lacks something. Also, the slit is puckered. Jeremy made an 80's look and it's horrid. Kate closes the show with a colorful dress but I don't think it quite works this time.
Helen, Inga, and Justin are all safe. Helen is pissed because she didn't win. Shut up, Helen.
Bradon of the Mullet Dresses: Zac and Heidi like it. Heidi likes the varying lengths and Kunt looks befuddled, like he should be getting that kind of praise. Zac thinks it felt fresh and southern. Nina said that he did something unexpected with expected fabric and Stacy says it made her feel happy! John calls it modern country club. Kunt shakes his head because he is an expert of Southerness. Bitch please, you are nothing compared to Celia Rivenbark.
Kate: Stacy likes that it’s sellable. Nina also thinks the dress has selling appeal. Heidi, however, doesn’t like that it makes her model look pregnant. Zac would be happy to see a woman wear this. John likes the execution.
Alexander theQueen: Zac loves the dress and Heidi thinks she looks sexy and she would wear the dress. John loves the pattern and that the dress was fun. Stacy likes the volume on the bottom and how it matches the top. Nina loves the movement.
Jeremy: Heidi tells him that his look isn’t modern. She’s not happy with the silhouette and she’s just a lady, not sexy. Zac calls the jacket a "casino" jacket. Stacy calls it colorful but it isn’t hip and the length is odd. Nina doesn’t think it’s the jacket that makes it bad, it must be the print. John thinks it missed the mark.
Kunt: Make yourself comfortable for this. Zac says he chose a great color, but he isn’t interested in the dress. Heidi asks where she’s going and Kunt says a formal wedding (really?). Zac calls it a night gown. Heidi calls it unflattering and notices that Kunt is giving her a stank look, which she shoots right back. He’s silent. Rude. Nina calls it safe. Zac gives him the hard truth and tells him that he can’t be a rising fashion star if he plays it safe. Stacy isn’t excited and John calls it "bridesmaid". Heidi asks about how he’s feeling and Kunt vibrates with rage, saying that his emotions aren’t important right now. She, however, can tell he just wants to roll his eyes like the preteen girl that he is. What. A. Douche.
Tiny Dom: John likes the vibe but it’s not much of an evening dress. Heidi doesn’t think it’s fashion forward. Stacey thinks she scaled back too much. Nina didn’t like the hospital scrub colors. Zac wants to see the "oomph!" she has and Nina is disappointed.
In the lounge, Moesha is sitting there like one of the designers. Tiny Dom feels like she blew an opportunity. Out in the closer looks, Heidi tries on Jeremy's jacket and morphs into a flight attendant. She admits that she wished the bottom 3 could have worked harder on the challenge but she has an idea about what to do.
Out on the runway, Heidi tells the designers that she and the judges were underwhelmed for this challenge, except for...
Winner: Bradon!! He's thrilled! I bet Kunt scowled. Kate and Alexander are whisked to safety.
As for the bottom three, Heidi believes all three of them should be out because of their crappy work. However, for the first time EVER, she's giving them an extra hour to revamp or create a brand new style. They can also have another designer help them out and they have access to all the remaining fabric in the room. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND GO!
Kunt is grateful for this and says he's here to fight to the end. He grabs Kate, Tiny Dom gets Helen, and Jeremy goes for Alexander. Kunt doesn't do much (what a shock) but Tiny Dom is going BALLS TO THE WALLS. Alexander hopes to help Jeremy make a YOUNGER dress that's playful while Kunt isn't getting it. Tiny Dom drapes her original print and pretty much goes nuts. Jeremy has made a new dress and Kate hopes she can keep Kunt safe. As Tim arrives, everyone is going insane. Kunt, however, is cocky enough to believe that he can be in with this dress.
Runway, ROUND 2! Kunt has made a tacky, trashy club dress, but Tiny Dom's new dress is miles better. It looks a bit sloppy but hey, that's what happens when you're only given an hour. And Jeremy made an underwhelmed night dress.
Round 2
Jeremy: Zac doesn’t think it’s interesting but pretty. Nina thinks it’s the right fabric and print. Stacy calls it younger and hipper. John likes the mix of the prints.
Tiny Dom: Heidi LOVES the dress and thinks everything looks nice. Zac congratulates her and thinks the print is cool and it’s one of her best pieces. Nina calls it fabulous, edgy, and easy. Stacy wants it NOW. She calls it classy and sexy. John likes how it looks all over the place (in the good way)
Kunt: Nina says she looks sexier and cooler. Stacy can see a young girl wearing it and John thinks it's more modern now. Heidi thinks he went too short but it's better and Zac calls it a night club dress.
After a brief chat, Heidi brings them back out onstage. Tiny Dom is sweeped to safety, but not before John tells her that he loves the dress so much, they're producing that one too! Tiny Dom cries and can't wait to show them more.
Bottom Two: Jeremy and Kunt
Out: Jeremy.
Kunt feels the right person went home. Bitch, no one asked you. Jeremy disagrees with the judges, naturally, but at least he can see his kids AND drink! He’s proud that he got as far as he did but he can’t wait to go back to his family.
Next time: SUPERFANS!!! Kunt goes REALLY apeshit, and maternity librarians.